January 18, 2011

Something To Consider About The Jets

I was driving in the car today listening to sports talk radio and the subject was the New York Jets,  the bravado of Rex Ryan and how the culture seems to be working for the team on the field. It got me thinking. Just how dangerous is it if the New York Jets win the Super Bowl?

In life we are taught many lessons by our parents, friends, peers, idols and mentors. It seems more and more the lessons are starting at a younger age. Instead of teaching competition first they now teach sportsmanship. I didn't grow up in these times, I like most people on the Rex Ryan band wagon get a kick out of calling your shots before they happen, making everything a competition and personal. But I have to tell you, I don't what it is , but it just clicked. What are the repercussions of Jets winning with the demeanor of their coach and key players being so arrogant and boisterous.

Are we going to start seeing pee wee league coaches hyping their players up at weekend games trying to emulate Rex Ryan? How about the condoning of kids in High School sports smack talking weeks before a game about how they are going to beat this person and taking shots at the opposing teams players. People in life often follow those who succeed. So that's what got me wondering how far will this new trend go if New York Jets win the Super Bowl. Many people will say it's the parents job to teach the values blah blah blah... Realistically its every ones job, just not the parents. We all are role models, the parents and surrounding families  are the primary ones. So when kids are spending half their time at school and the other half at after school events be it athletics or with other friends how can we reinforce the positive and identify the negative if in this case the Jets win the Super Bowl. I just may be over reacting to a thought in my head but just something to think about. I know its made me change my view.
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