January 16, 2011

Jeter As A Yankee Manager

Derek Jeter is one of the most beloved Yankees of all time. He has a chance to be in conversations with Mantle, Ruth, Gehrig and Berra. He has the classic single digit number, the world series rings and the stats needed to keep up with his peers. Aside from all that he is obviously very cerebral. So with that said one has to wonder if Derek will ever be given the reigns as a manager of the Yankees once he retires.

Sure it may be premature to speculate even if Jeter wants to manage. Could or would he follow in the steps of Martin, Berra, Piniella, Dent and current manager Girardi? I think Derek has the best chance out of current Yankee players to manage the Yankee's. To go a step further how about an all star coaching staff of Jeter as Manager, Andy Pettite as pitching coach, Posada as bench coach and Bernie Williams as hitting coach.

I think the Yankees would be missing out on a huge opportunity if they didn't start to groom Jeter and company now to take over the reigns. A chance to increase the Yankee legacy by molding the future players to respect the game, play hard and play smart always.
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