January 26, 2011

CBS Fantasy Baseball 2011 Hit or Miss?

The controversy is starting already. For those of you who don't use CBS Sports for your fantasy baseball needs I will fill you in. The long time leader in fantasy sports games online CBS has rolled out its latest version. Being a person who aspires to one day accomplish the same achievement I will be as neutral as possible. The rotoworld forum is already talking about the changes and the early reviews are mixed.

The folks at CBS added what appears to be a new lay our for displaying their data. In the past they relied mostly on reporting displays, click a link and it displays on the next page for you. Navigating this often required use of the back and forward features or multiple browsers open at the same time. Now they seem to have a control panel at the top and a display below it. This design is nice because it keeps you on the page and displays the material below.

Where CBS starts to adrift is their use of icons in the roster mode. Items before that were links and processes to add, drop and send players to the DL are now icons crammed into a tiny grid space requiring excellent vision. I am not sure how this will translate to the mobile app but it really isn't user friendly.

Key landmarks on the page have now gone missing or have been relocated like set lineup, free agents and league rules which now are just roster and an item called details. Free agents can be found on the players page and now have a plus sign next to them to add them to your add drop list. As crazy as it sounds when you go to Add/Drop the only functions available are drop and to view your current add drop list.

The roster page now has a drag n drop indicator allowing you to move players from position to position. As i played around with my current commissioner league team I noticed that if I moved my player who had a minor league designation to my starting line up and then back again he would then be designated as a bench player with no minor league indicator, that is until i refresh the page. This makes is appear as you are changing the status of your player when you really aren't for any player hat has a N designation.

I see what CBS was going for but it just seems to be missing the mark overall. The love scoring isn't available as of yet but I am very interested to see what has changed there. One last thing I did notice is the theme is no longer consistent. They appeared to have put new parts into their old car instead of redesigning the entire vehicle. Maybe they are saving it for a revision or it's just not available yet, but hopefully they will change it soon.

Please comment below on your thoughts on the new CBS Fantasy Baseball and I will try my best to answer you.
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