December 27, 2010

Singletary Reason for Dismissal

inflexibility cost Singletary his job 
When we take assessment of the 49ers and their hiring of Mike Singletary as the head coach we have to take in account they were doing it for the right reasons. As often in life good intentions don't always produce good results.

Mike Singletary was fired after the 49ers lost to the St. Louis Rams. The loss wasn't the single reason for dismissal but it did contribute. Mike failed to realize that generation of players has changed. Failing to be aware of the men he was coaching caused a disconnect that became insurmountable. These are men who have grown up watching TD celebrations, superstar commercials, been told since High School that they are deserving of greatness. When we put players on a pedestal before they have achieved greatness it has an adverse affect. Mike had witness to that affect as the players and the fans know the players never get fired only the coach do.

It would appear every week something was happening with Singletary and the 49ers and not in a positive light. The criticism of Alex Smith, Vernon Davis, Troy Smith and countless others had put a wall between him and the players. Players don't play for a coach out of fear anymore they play out of admiration, respect, loyalty and to win. Mike failed to gain these core pieces before going on his onslaught of intimidation. In the end it was his inflexibility that cost him his job. Relying too much on his reputation on how he would do things to see what needed to be done.

Mike if you read this, or someone who knows Mike pass it along. It's not too late. You may need to start over but its never too late. Take the 49ers as lesson and move forward.  You sighted yourself as not having proper football etiquette. If you don't have it you should learn it. The head coach is a leader. If coaches don't lead by example in all aspects how can they expect their players to respond?  

Here is some advice. If I were you I would try to get on the Patriots. Eagles, or Steeler's staffs and just learn. Get a Defensive Coordinator job with a head coach that can help you with your people skills, your means of motivation and how to work with the media. We don't always have to let failure be the end we often choose it to be. 
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