December 14, 2010

Lee Signs and joins Halladay, Hamels and Oswalt

The Phillies have pulled off a stellar free agent signing by grabbing would be Yankee and or Ranger Cliff Lee for themselves. All the buzz was about Lee joining the Yanks and Rangers. Even myself thought Lee to the Red Sox. Who knew the late week rumblings of Lee going to the Phillies would actually come through. 

The benefits of this trade are huge. The Phillies now have 4 aces in their bullpen. They have gone all in for 2011. The Phillies could potentially send 3 starters to the All Star game, have a shot at 4 20 game winners for the first time since 1971 Orioles and have a Cy Young battle between 2 if not 3 of their pitchers. 

Everyone in the National League East is now playing for the wild card, at least on paper. This was a strong move by the Phillies. 
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  1. I bet you the Phillies don't even wind up with three twenty game winners.

  2. That is possible, but think of all the aces in NL that have to face the top 4 once rotations start. They may not have 3 20 games but I believe they will win about 110 games if not more.
